Who is my teacher?

Hello! My name is Coach Goff (Steven Goff or Mr. Goff if you please) and I'm your guide for the next 18 weeks in the world of US Government and Economics! Some of you may know my wife, Mrs. Chappell, as your chemistry teacher from a few years ago. Hopefully for you, she liked you and I haven't heard awful things about you :)

I have a bachelors degree in economics from Jacksonville State University and I'll complete my Masters in Secondary Education in April 2021 (assuming Covid doesn't get us all first....) I coach 7th grade boys basket ball at the middle school so you seniors are my escape into near adulthood. I look forward to engaging and sometimes controversial conversations with each of you.

I like to fish, hunt, watch basketball and play MMORPGs. I also enjoy hearing about the interesting things the lot of you do. Bring it up, let's talk about it. Maybe one of us will find a new hobby!!



Coach Goff